Cmdre. John Caldwell
Active in email marketing since 1996, Red Pill Email founder, John Caldwell, has worked on the agency side, the client side, and as a consultant, using deployment tools from ESPs to in-house to homegrown email systems.
He has been involved in over 70 ESP vendor selections for major clients since 2005, and has produced an annual Email Vendor Features & Functions Guide since 2009. The annual vendor guide reviews ESPs across 600 data points and is the only ESP vendor guide written by an experienced hands-on practitioner providing objective analysis of email vendors’ functional capabilities.
He is a Member of the Email Experience Council of the Direct Marketing Association, serving on the Member Advisory Committee, and formerly as Chair of the Marketing & Membership, Co-Chair of the Email Measurement Accuracy Roundtable/Advisory Board, a member of the former Speakers Bureau, and member of the former Career Paths Roundtable.
John still operates Red Pill Email and is a founding partner in Origin Email. In his free time, John is the Commodore for the Seal Beach Yacht Club and fixing up the Summer Wind, a 30 foot Cal Sailboat. He currently resides outside Los Angeles, CA with his wife and two children.